Monday, 7 June 2010

Text Editors

There are a number of options for when you want a better text editor. Fort hose who feel more comfortable with Linux there are Windows versions of VIM and EMACS. However most people will probably want something a little closer to the familiar notepad.

Notepad++ and Notepad2 come with fairly similar features; tag highlighting for multiple languages, brace matching, auto-indent, and plenty of features you'll probably never even need. Both applications are quick and a perfect replacement for the standard notepad.

The main noticeable difference is the addition of tabs and split screen in Notepad++, but in general it is very much a choice as preference as all 4 text editors mentioned here are amazing pieces of free software and well worth the small learning curve (or potentially large if you are going for VIM or EMACS and aren't familiar with them).

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